Wednesday Night Youth Life Groups
(6-12th graders)
Schedule listed below
September 11th through May 28th
Wednesday Night Youth Life Group Structure:
This ministry opportunity is open to all 6th-12th grade students.
What are Wednesday Night Youth Life Groups like? Well, every week looks a little different. However, being a part of a Life Group, talking about faith, and doing life together, truly are some of the most impactful experiences in one's faith journey and development. That is why we gather students and leaders in Life Groups! Students are divided by grades and gender for age and context appropriate groups. We know from experience and research that deeper conversations happen within these contexts. However, there are also tremendous benefits for students to be intergenerational (even among their peers) as well as in co-ed contexts. That is why built into our Wednesday Night Youth Life Groups programming are regular weeks, where students interact together outside of being in just their life groups for an evening. If you would like to be in the loop about our Wednesday Night Youth Life Groups programming, you can join our OSLC Youth Remind Groups and/or subscribe to our weekly Youth Email! If you have any questions about our Wednesday Night Youth Life Groups programming, you can email Deborah Toenjes or call 253-531-2112. |
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