Do you find yourself making assumptions about people, places, situations, and circumstances?
"Judging a book by its cover" or drawing conclusions on little (if any) factual information is dangerous stuff. I'm so glad that Jesus didn't draw an assumption about me (or you) and acted upon it. Instead, Jesus sees all of the facts and lives in reality and hope - not the fear that comes from uncertainty or making a judgment based on a sliver of information.
Here are three ways we... or, I can get beyond personal assumptions and love people like Jesus loves me.
Ultimately, Jesus leads us beyond our assumptions. He is not only the model - He is the only One who can judge... and He was judged... for us! The only One in the entire universe who could make an assumption about us chose instead of making an assumption based on half-truths and partial facts, chose to love us unconditionally. Here's the point: whether it's giving people the benefit of the doubt, praying for others instead of judging them, or choosing peace over war - Jesus' Spirit is the source of our power when it comes to living this out. How has Jesus taught you to go beyond making assumptions like He did for you? Drop me an email and let me know. Love you! The leaves are turning. School is starting. Traffic is increasing. The Fair is swinging. Football games on my TV are streaming.
Fall is here. It might be autumn outside, but what season is it in your soul? I want to share four seasons your soul might be in - and Jesus’ promise for you in the midst of it. Anxiety Martin Luther once said, “I spent more than a week in death and hell. My entire body was in pain, and I still tremble. Completely abandoned by Christ, I labored under the vacillations and the storms of desperation and blasphemy against God.” That might be the season your soul is in right now. Pain. Fearful. Shaking. Feeling abandoned by people and God. Desperate and Depressed. Here’s some great news for those in the season of anxiety: Jesus is with you!
Distress The brokenness of our world and our lives weighs heavy on our souls. God’s Spirit who lives in us knows that this world is temporary… and that God’s world is eternal. Could that be one of the reasons we experience seasons of heartbreak, anguish, and suffering? We see people who are innocent, hurt. People who are oppressed, abused. People who try their hardest to do the right thing, punished. Injustice, suffering, and oppression weighs heavy on us. And if you’re in a season where your soul is just heavy, Jesus is here to encourage you.
Restoration There are seasons when our soul is working hard to restore that which has been lost. Whether it’s a relationship that seems to be on the mend, something you have felt God has been calling you toward gaining traction, or you simply feel like your relationship with God is on a growth curve - you’re in the process of being restored. This is an exciting season! My encouragement is to remember the words of Simon Peter: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68). And, trust whatever God is restoring in and through you is God’s work for His glory and He wants you to use it to love and bless the people around you.
Joy Need I say more? Sometimes, we find ourselves in times when our soul is content and happy.
This is God’s work, too. . . His work of giving you a new heart and spirit.
It doesn’t mean there aren’t challenges. However, it does mean that God is growing you up.
For sure, there are more… What other seasons of the soul have you experienced? Drop me an email at and let me know. Let’s end with some hope: in every season of the soul, God is with us and wants to grow us up. Through every season of our lives and souls, we are being stretched, strengthened, and sustained by Jesus. So, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:2) Indeed, walking with Jesus through every season of life and faith with others is worth it - wherever you are! Love you! |
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Pastor Tim Meet Pastor TimTim Bayer has served as Our Savior's Lead Pastor since September 2019. He also serves as an Adjunct Instructor at Concordia University - Irvine, a National Leadership Facilitator and Resource, and with the Northwest District of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. Archives
March 2025